Terms of Use

The services provided by AAdi CARE Scholarships is subject to the terms and conditions outlined below.
Any violation of the above mentioned rules and regulations can result in the cancellation or termination of application/participation/scholarship from our side without a refund or compensation. A persistent failure to comply with the terms of service outlined below may result in our permanent blacklisting of your personal details. Any serious breach of our terms of service may result in the instant, permanent and irreversible ban of a user, or a prospective user, from the further use of our services without any further debate or opportunity for self-justification.

These terms and conditions are designed to improve the experience of a user and to provide us with a clean and safe work environment. Abiding by these rules will help maximize the user’s satisfaction as well as the efficiency of the work of our staff.

All rules, term and conditions of the services are applied to each and every users with no exception and should be considered a primal point of reference in cases of possible controversy or argument. Therefore, by writing on our website or writing to us, you are agreeing to the following terms and conditions:

1. Original Information.

You must observe the rules of original information which should be correct and proper as per orginal records from the respective authorities and ensure satisfactory physical presentation of the same at the time of demand. Therefore, kindly ensure you've provided true information to provide you seamless support and help..

2. Payments.

All payments for subscription/participation/registration or as the case may be, should be made online or other ways as prescribed on our website via online payment gateway, demand-drafts, before the announced dates for payment.

If you wish to cancel the registration/user-account, you must inform us as on our email at info@aadicare.in. if in any case you do not get the confirmation of cancellation, you may call us @+91 9911335505. in such cancellations, there will be no refund of registration/application fee(s)

3. Limitation of solution provided.

Solutions are provided promisingly to only registered users/participents/applicant and none others. Further enquiries from unregistered persons can be submitted through our contact us page only.

If you have any special requirements like wheelchair etc for physically chalenged persons, you must inform 5 days prior to commencement of meeting/examination giving us enough time to prepare accordingly.

4. Age.

There is no restriction of age to be user/applicant/registrant on this website. subject to other eligibility to be in proper and correct.

5. Exclusion.

If the content of this website contradicts your moral or religious norms, you must leave this website immediately.

6. Timing

You must insure that you reach to scheduled venue 30 minutes prior on time if it fails then your admission for meeting/exam may be denied. In such denial of admission, there will be no refund if paid for the same.


You will observe all the necessary safety practices for their particular purpose of meeting/examination and follow all the directions of our staff members.
You will not abuse/use violence against our staff member under any circumstance and will not interfere with them following AAdi CARE Scholarships procedures.
You will not request a staff member to provide you with any unauthorised information nor will show any influence of such which may abort/mischive the meeting/examination.
You are not suffering from a contagious or skin disease or infection at the time of meeting/examination.
You will not allowed to carry any mobile or any other gadget or calculator in during the meeting/examination.